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*Ag in the Classroom

November 10, 2022 @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm



Join us for this special monthly youth education program about agriculture, presented by the Peoria County Farm Bureau. Each month will focus on a different topic.

More foods are made with wheat than any other grain. Questions answered in this lesson will include what part of the plant we eat, what kind of wheat is grown in Illinois, how it is processed and what are the nutritional benefits. In addition, we will introduce students to Norman Borlaug, known as the “Father of the Green Revolution,” and share how he played a significant role in the development of new wheat varieties that helped combat hunger around the world.

But we can’t teach about wheat without also talking about yeast and gluten. Through an experiment, the students will learn all about how these three things work together to make delicious bread, cakes, and pizza crusts!

Geared toward grades 3-6. *Registration required. Contact the library at 243-5716 to register.


November 10, 2022
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
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